Brampton Region
How do members stay up-to-date on car-related and other club events?
All members are invited to attend informative club meetings where the business of the club is dealt with, input is solicited for future tours and get-togethers, and to hear interesting guest speakers. This is also where much of the planning takes place for events such as Games & Pizza Night, Christmas Party etc.
Brampton Region also has an active newsletter, “The Steering Column”, which provides up-to-date details of upcoming events, reports and photos of prior month’s events and other information of interest to the members. It is distributed to all members monthly.
ACCCC National also hosts an active Facebook Group incorporating photos of tours and event updates from all Regions.
Each member also receives a copy of the ACCCC National magazine “The Reflector”, three times per year, that includes updates from all regions as well as National events and articles of general interest to members.